How Did Campus Silks Make Their New Brand Name Familiar?

Campus Silks changed its name to Karishma Silks. The brand wanted to inform customers about the name change while also collecting customer data.
Karishma Silks partnered with BizGifts for a solution. They decided to give offers of Karishma Silks in the stores of Campus Silks. Also placed QR codes codes in the stores that customers could scan to receive gifts.
Since they offered promotions in both branches, there was significant growth in each store. Customers appreciated the opportunity to receive gifts when they scanned the QR codes and shared their details. This approach felt easy and encouraged long-term customer loyalty.
The partnership with BizGifts allowed Karishma Silks to inform customers about their name change while connecting with them. The use of offers and QR codes increased customer engagement and loyalty in both branches.